David Pine

11 minute read


I recently returned from Charleston, South Carolina – where I spoke at SyntaxCon. The event was very professionally organized and gave me inspiration for Cream City Code. In the main hall, they had a HALO by Simple Booth . It serves as a photo booth with a conference-specific backdrop – which is perfect for sharing the conference experience. I looked into purchasing one but was encouraged to simply write my own… so I did and this blog will detail that process.

Ultimately, the resulting social media share ends up looking something like these ( To open gallery ). It generates an animated image (*.gif) from the series of photos taken.

User Workflow

Here’s what we want to do.

  1. We need to capture several pictures upon user initiation
  2. We need to create an animated image from these pictures
  3. We need to allow the user to send them to themselves for sharing
  4. We need to reset the state of the app after sharing is complete

That’s pretty simple, right?! While the application is idle, we’ll provide the live camera view with some branding and a “start” button. Anyone walking by will more than likely see themselves and naturally become curious. The hope is that their curiosity will entice them enough to press the “start” button. Pressing the “start” button leads to more excitement as they’re presented with a countdown timer… 3, 2, 1… (Flash, Snap)! Their picture is taken, and this continues a few more times. This ends up sparking a chain reaction where others take notice and join in. There are plenty of opportunities for “photo bombing”!

Technologies Used

This application is built using the Angular ASP.NET Core SPA template. Additionally, I’m leveraging the following:

Technology Purpose
  ImageSharp Convert several .png images into a single .gif
  Azure - Blob Storage Persist generated .gif image
  Twilio Send SMS text message with URL of animated .gif image

The application is up on GitHub here:   IEvangelist.PhotoBooth.

Under The Hood

Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves with what we need to do, let’s take a look at how we can approach it. As I mentioned, this is an ASP.NET Core application – so we’ll see a Program.cs, Startup.cs, and a Controllers directory for our ASP.NET Core Web API. It is also an Angular application. This too has common conventions and things to look for, such as components, services, modules, pipes, etc.

First The C# Code

Snippet from Startup.ConfigureServices

// Map services
services.AddTransient<IImageProcessorService, ImageProcessorService>();
services.AddSingleton<IImageRepository, ImageRepository>();
services.AddSingleton<ITextMessagingService, TextMessagingService>();

// Map appsettings.json to class options

We have some unique services being added to our dependency injection (DI) service collection. Later, our controllers can ask for these interfaces and expect the corresponding implementations. Likewise, we map over some sections from our appsettings.json configuration to C# classes. These also become available to us later from the perspective of DI. We can ask for IOptions<ImageProcessOptions> for example. See for more details.


Our application has only one controller with a few actions on it. We have an endpoint that returns various configuration options to the client app, and then a more interesting api/image/generate endpoint. If you’re eager to learn more, I published an article with details on ASP.NET Core Web API Attributes .

public class ImageController : Controller
    [HttpGet, Route("options")]
    public IActionResult GetOptions(
        [FromServices] IImageProcessorService imageProcessor)
        => Json(imageProcessor.GetImageOptions());

    [HttpPost, Route("generate")]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Generate(
        [FromBody] ImagesPostRequest imagesPostRequest,
        [FromServices] IImageProcessorService imageProcessor) 
        => Json(await imageProcessor.ProcessImagesAsync(
            $"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host}{Request.PathBase}", imagesPostRequest));

ProTip Keep your controllers dumb! It is best to delegate their logic to a service, and this simplifies testing.

We ask for the IImageProcessorService implementation on the api/image/options action. This endpoint simply returns JSON that represents our combined configuration options from some of the various options classes we mapped earlier on startup. These options have information for the client app about animation frame delay, intervals, the number of photos to take, image height and width, etc.

Snippet from ImageProcessorService.GetOptions

public ImageOptionsResponse GetImageOptions()
    => new ImageOptionsResponse
            AnimationFrameDelay = _processingOptions.FrameDelay,
            IntervalBetweenCountDown = _captureOptions.IntervalBetweenCountDown,
            PhotoCountDownDefault = _captureOptions.PhotoCountDownDefault,
            PhotosToTake = _captureOptions.PhotosToTake,
            ImageHeight = _processingOptions.ImageHeight,
            ImageWidth = _processingOptions.ImageWidth

The api/image/generate endpoint is the most involved. Again we ask for the image processor service, but this time we call the ProcessImageAsync. We are given an ImagePostRequest object, that looks like this:

public class ImagesPostRequest
    public string Phone { get; set; }

    public List<string> Images { get; set; }

We get the phone number and a list of images – the images are base64 encoded representations of the photos taken. This is what we’re going to process. This method could be broken up some and I’m certainly open to improvements (… I mean, this is open source – give me a pull request)!


First, we convert all the base64 image strings to byte[]. We load the first image from the ImageSharp.Image.Load method, then the remaining images are loaded and added as frames to the first image frames collection. The resulting image now has several frames and will be saved as a .gif file. It is then persisted using   Azure Blob Storage, within our IImageRepository implementation. Finally, we create a link to our image and text the user the URL with Twilio.

Snippet from ImageProcessorService.ProcessImageAsync

public async Task<ImagesPostResponse> ProcessImagesAsync(
    string baseUrl,
    ImagesPostRequest request)
        var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        var imageBytes =
                    .Select(img => img.Replace(Base64PngImagePrefix, string.Empty))

        var image = Image.Load(imageBytes[0]);
        image.MetaData.RepeatCount = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < imageBytes.Length; ++ i)

        // Ensure that all the frames have the same delay
        foreach (var frame in image.Frames)
            frame.MetaData.FrameDelay = (int)(_processingOptions.FrameDelay * .1);

        await UploadImageAsync(id, image);
        await _textMessagingService.SendTextAsync(
            $"Share your photo from Cream City Code! {baseUrl}/images/{id}");

        return new ImagesPostResponse { Id = id, IsSuccessful = true };
    catch (Exception ex)
        return new ImagesPostResponse { IsSuccessful = false, Error = ex.Message }; 

Snippet from ImageProcessorService.UploadImageAsync, here we are naming (and saving) the file and encoding it with the GifEncoder. We then upload the image to our repository.

private async Task UploadImageAsync(string id, Image<Rgba32> image)
    var fileName = $"./{id}.gif";
    var profile = new ExifProfile();
    profile.SetValue(ExifTag.Copyright, _processingOptions.Copyright);
    image.MetaData.ExifProfile = profile;
    image.Save(fileName, _encoder);

    await _imageRepository.UploadImageAsync(id, fileName);

Snippet from ImageRepository.UploadImageAsync.

public async Task UploadImageAsync(string id, string filePath)
    var container = await _initialization.Value;
    var blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(id);
    await blob.UploadFromFileAsync(filePath);

We await the _initialization.Value which represents the async operation to yield a container reference. It’s an AsyncLazy that ensures the following:

  • Create cloud blob client
  • Create named container reference (if it doesn’t already exist)
  • Set permissions on container for blob types as public access
  • Finally return the container instance

The container instance is then used to get a block blob reference, to which we can upload our local image file. We’ll delete the local version when we’ve uploaded it to Azure.

The last piece of the puzzle is that we need to send a text message to the phone number we were given. Twilio makes this extremely easy, in fact when I was reading their documentation about their SDK – I doubted that was all I needed.

Snippet from TextMessagingService.SendTextAsync.

public async Task SendTextAsync(string toPhoneNumber, string body)
        var message =
            await MessageResource.CreateAsync(
                to: toPhoneNumber,
                from: _twilioOptions.FromPhoneNumber,
                body: body);

        _logger.LogInformation($"Texted {toPhoneNumber}: {body}.");
    catch (Exception ex)


The Angular application is where a lot of the logic lives. It contains user interactions and workflow. Since it’s Angular we’ll look at some TypeScript. We have an image.service.ts that makes HTTP calls out to our Web API. At the time of writing, we had the following components:

Component Purpose
app Standard Angular application entry point
audio Encapsulates the ability to bind src audio files and invoke async play() functionality
camera Wraps the <control-wizard>, <video> and <canvas> elements, and orchestrates communications between them
controlwizard This is the state machine of the overlay for the user workflow – it toggles various templates into and out of view
numberpad A numeric entry markup, which outputs the user input

When application loads, we first hit the api/image/options endpoint – getting our client settings from the server. See for more details on the HttpClient from Angular. We then set our camera stream to the video element on our CameraComponent.

Snippet from CameraComponent.ngAfterViewInit.

if (this.videoElement && this.videoElement.nativeElement) {
    this.video = this.videoElement.nativeElement as HTMLVideoElement;
    if (this.video
        && navigator.mediaDevices
        && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) {
            .getUserMedia({ video: true })
            .then((stream: MediaStream) => this.video.srcObject = stream);

        this.video.height = window.innerHeight;

The videoElement is an ElementRef instance – our component uses the Angular @ViewChild decorator to instantiate our reference to the <video> element in our template. We assign the .nativeElement to our video instance which is an HTMLVideoElement. Finally, if our browser environment has the ability to .getUserMedia we’ll ask for the video stream and assign it to our video instance. Next, let’s explore what kicks things off.

Snippet from control-wizard.component.html.

<ccc-audio #startSound
<div *ngIf="isIdle">
    <button (click)="start(startSound)">
        <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-camera"></i><br /> Start

Our markup had a ccc-audio element, we have a reference to this with our # syntax – we can then pass this as an argument to the start function on the button (click) handler. That function looks like this.

Snippet from ControlWizardComponent.start.

public async start(sound: AudioComponent) {
    if (sound) {
        await sound.play();

We play the sound, change the state of the application to CountingDown and then resetCountDownTimer. The resetCountDownTimer simply stops and then restarts the NodeJS.Timer instance in a clean manner. The startCountDownTimer method is called and it handles the count down and marshaling of photo capturing.

Snippet from ControlWizardComponent.startCountDownTimer.

private startCountDownTimer(): void {
    this.countDownTimer =
            () => {                    
                if (this.photosTaken < this.imageOptions.photosToTake) {
                    if (this.photoCountDown === 1) {
                        this.photoCountDown = this.imageOptions.photoCountDownDefault + 1;
                        const details = {
                            photoCount: this.photosTaken,
                            interval: this.imageOptions.intervalBetweenCountDown
                        ++ this.photosTaken;
                    } else {
                        -- this.photoCountDown;
                } else {
                    this.images = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < this.imageOptions.photosToTake; ++ i) {
                    this.photoCountDown = this.imageOptions.photoCountDownDefault;

The functionality here really just manages iteration counts and state changes. The areas of interest are the takePhoto.emit, this is an EventEmitter which serves as an Output. This means that other components can register to this event and handle the occurrence of the .emit invocation. This component has several outputs, again let’s just single out the takePhoto one for now – we will need to have a look at the camera.component.html.

Snippet from camera.component.html.

<div class="video-wrapper" [ngClass]="{ 'camera-flash': isTakingPhoto }">
  <control-wizard (takePhoto)="onTakePhoto($event)" (stateChange)="onStateChanged($event)"
  <video (window:resize)="adjustVideoHeight($event)" class="black-glow"
         #video autoplay width="640" height="480"
         [ngClass]="{ 'hide': isPresentingPhotos || isTextingLink }"></video>
  <canvas #canvas id="canvas" width="640" height="480" style="display: none;"></canvas>

From this we can see that the CameraComponent has an onTakePhoto handler. There are other observations to make as part of this, such as the markup itself – how we’re really orchestrating components that work (and communicate) together. The control-wizard notifies the CameraComponent about state changes and when options are received. When the control-wizard issues a takePhoto command the camera is responsible for taking a photo.

Snippet from CameraComponent.onTakePhoto.

public onTakePhoto(details: PhotoDetails): void {
    setTimeout(() => {
        if (this.canvas) {
            const context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
            if (context) {
                context.drawImage(this.video, 0, 0, this.imageWidth, this.imageHeight);
                const url = this.canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
                localStorage.setItem(`${details.photoCount}.image.png`, url);
    }, details.interval / 2);

I relied on an old blog post from David Walsh - Camera and Video Control with HTML5 , it was really helpful! We ask the canvas for a 2d context and then .drawImage on the context passing our video element. We then ask the canvas for .toDataUrl – which returns our base64 string representation of the image. We’ll put this in localStorage for now.

After the configured number of photos has been taken, we’ll change the state of the application to WizardState.PresentingPhotos. Additionally, we grab all the images from localStorage storing them in an array.

Snippet from ControlWizard.startCountDownTimer.

this.images = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.imageOptions.photosToTake; ++ i) {

The conditional markup for the presenting of the photos is simple.

Snippet from control-wizard.component.html.

<div *ngIf="isPresentingPhotos" class="card ccc-border black-glow">

    <div class="col-1">
        <img *ngIf="images.length" src="{{ images[animationIndex] }}"
             width="640" height="480" />
    <div class="col-2 ccc-bg-cream big bold black-inset">
        <div class="ccc-orange fs-38 black-glow">
        <img height="360" class="black-glow" src="../../assets/ccc-logo.png" />
        <div class="twitter-blue black-glow">


I opted out of generating the .gif on the client side, so instead I simply animate by changing the img.src on a timer. Again, we’ll properly generate a .gif on the server at a later time, but for now this will do just fine.

Snippet from ControlWizard.startAnimationTimer.

private startAnimationTimer(): void {
    this.animationTimer =
        setInterval(() => {
            const index = (this.animationIndex + 1);
            this.animationIndex =
                index >= this.images.length
                    ? 0
                    : index;            
        }, this.imageOptions.animationFrameDelay);

At this point, the user is presented with the sample animation. They could opt to “retake” the photos or if they’re satisfied, they could “send” them. If the select “send” they are presented with the number-pad component, which enables them to type in their phone number – and text a link to their phone for sharing!

Putting It All Together

Here is a look at the application in action.


To run this locally you’ll need a few things setup first. After pulling the bits from Microsoft’s GitHub (never thought I get to say that), you need the following:

  •   Azure Blob Storage – Account / ConnectionString
  •   Twilio – Developer Account ID / AuthToken / From Phone Number

These values should be stored as environment variables with the following names:

  • photoboothconnection
  • twilioaccountsid
  • twilioauthtoken

Finally, feel free to toy around with the other configuration settings as you deem necessary.

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